Monday, February 16, 2009

the return of... bird girl!

the birds are back!

working on new stuff as you can see, and i just printed these last week.  i suppose they're not doing much at the moment, but i have plans for them, book plans.  i'll probably use these illustrations, and introduce some typographic elements, and put them all together in a folded book.

i introduced some colour to the line drawing, just by simply cutting out the paper shapes to expose on the screen.  i like the red with the brown, but i keep thinking they have baboon butt eyes!  colour and paper have to be considered more, but i'm excited about just doing more printing.

i quite like the idea of doing some large scale prints with the owls too.  using lots of brown, yellow and golden colours, so to keep the colours true to birds actual colouring.  i think trying different mark making techniques to introduce some textures and patterns into the prints would work quite well for this as well, something more feather like, because i'm normally all for the clean lines.  these are my thoughts and feelings at the moment, but i just have to get on with it!


no! i love you more!

hello there!

love to print has been zooming along, so it has.  this below, is my A3 print, an edition of 12, which is hanging up in the warehouse cafe in birmingham.  along with prints by claire lynch, karoline rerrie and sarah ray.  so they're up there, and ready for you to purchase, framed, or unframed.  i also produced a small run of the muffins on cards, which seemed to do alright too.

and now a little plug for the love to print blog, and it lives at this address:
so go and check it out!  yee has been posting away on it (and i should really too) but it is full of links and pictures and good stuff, so click away!